Every year, at the global level, disasters connected to natural and anthropic events produce relevant losses. This implies the necessity to plan, design and implement a system of actions for reducing risk and their components (occurrence, vulnerability and exposure). This paper focuses on the exposure component, by considering the training actions aimed at improving the community’s preparedness for evacuation procedures deriving from the emergency planning process. By selecting the discussion–based training class, this paper presents a framework of a seminar, that is the simplest action aimed at orienting participants about the planned indications. The framework is inspired by the US standard approach to training actions. The structured seminar can be considered the first step of a wide training cycle that includes discussion and operation-based exercises. An example of a seminar is clear in the air transport sector. The seminar has become standard practice regulated by ICAO for defining procedures to follow in the event of danger on aircraft. The procedure is aimed at increasing awareness and it requires competency of operators. So, the entire cycle of a seminar must contribute to risk reduction by increasing awareness of the procedures provided and their testing in a stress-free environment. The entire cycle contributes to risk reduction by increasing awareness about planned procedures and their experimentation in a no-stress environment. Training and exercises constitute an opportunity to reduce risk and then the potential damages produced by disasters. Seminars are low-cost activities aimed at putting into practice the planned evacuation procedures. The paper is useful for decision-makers and takers involved in emergency planning procedures who want to increase the effectiveness of preparedness actions implemented before an emergency event.