I am delighted to introduce Monitoring adequate housing in Ireland. The right to adequate housing is an area of significant concern for the Commission. Everyone has the right to live somewhere with security, peace and dignity and the State has a responsibility to meet international standards to achieve this. At a minimum, the Commission calls for housing to be of an adequate standard, secure, affordable, and accessible to all. It is our view that housing policy in Ireland must urgently move away from primarily treating housing as a commodity. There must be provisions for low-income or structurally vulnerable groups and action to eliminate discriminatory practices in the public and private sectors, which these groups continuously navigate. This report seeks to monitor the right to adequate housing in Ireland by providing a baseline measurement framework consisting of six key dimensions: access to housing; housing affordability; security; cultural adequacy; housing quality; and location, access to services and local environment.
Such an approach follows on from the ESRI/IHREC report on Monitoring decent work inIreland published earlier this year. By monitoring a particular economic, social or cultural right across a set of selected dimensions, reports such as these can provide a baseline on the progression, and regression in this instance, on the right to adequate housing. It can also reveal differential experiences and outcomes for different groups. For example, the Commission is particularly concerned about the profound barriers to adequate housing highlighted in this report among racial and ethnic minorities including Travellers, women, lone parents, younger and older persons, and migrants.While there is international and national legislation prohibiting discrimination relating to housing it is our view that the right to adequate housing should be enshrined in the Constitution. This is particularly important as we move into a recovery phase following the COVID-19 pandemic and the lifting of the emergency tenancy protection policy measures that were temporarily enacted during this time.A rights-based approach to housing not only acknowledges that housing is more than bricks and mortar: it combats inequality in housing which is pervasive across the Irish housing sector. Adequate housing allows all members of society to not only survive but thrive and achieve their full potential, whilst leading to a more just, inclusive and sustainable society.There is evidence that the public agrees: a survey commissioned by the Commission in 2020 found 82 per cent of people in Ireland consider housing to be a basic human right. I wish to extend my thanks to Dr Helen Russell and her team for their work on Monitoring adequate housing in Ireland. This report marks the tenth -and final -published report since 2017 under the IHREC / ESRI Irish Human Rights and Equality Research Programme Series.These research reports examine equality and discrimination in Ireland across a wide range of themes and topics including disability, inequali...