Xiaohongshu, a rising lifestyle-sharing platform, has garnered significant popularity among femal. Despite recent controversies over false traffic, it remains a pivotal influence on femals shopping decisions. This study aims to explore why Xiaohongshu continues to be influential in the consumer decisions of femal after false traffic. This paper used a case study to analyze a survey of 200 femal from diverse backgrounds to understand their methods of gathering shopping information and making purchase decisions on social platforms, focusing on Xiaohongshu's unique attributes. First, the study reveals that enhanced, deceptive content on the platform frequently persuades women, suggesting a need for improved information authenticity, consumer education, and self-regulation in advertising. Secondly, digital influencers and trends heavily influence the platform's young audience, highlighting the importance of encouraging influencers to share genuine experiences over mere advertising. Lastly, the natural trust engendered by word of mouth (WOM) and user-generated content (UGC), critical features of Xiaohongshu, underscores the platform's strategy to bolster UGC and WOM credibility. In conclusion, Xiaohongshu plays a crucial role in the shopping decisions of contemporary female consumers, underscoring its significance in the social media landscape.