“…Externally, law enforcement agencies within nations at various levels of jurisdictional authority (local to national) have over the years, and particularly since 9/11, greatly increased counterterrorism capabilities. As seen from the findings in most recent scholarship (Ahmad & Monaghan, 2022; Alexander, 2019; Chalk, 2022; Kirisci, 2022; Monaghan, 2022; San, 2020), police agencies across many parts of the world have also retained this counterterrorism focus, even when problems of terrorism have not materialized to the extent once feared in the uncertain post-9/11 era. Continuing a long-standing process (Deflem, 2002), internationally oriented activities are thereby preferred to be undertaken unilaterally (without cooperation, typically by stationing agents abroad) or otherwise involve relatively small and temporary cooperation efforts enacted through liaison officers, both within and across countries (e.g., Christensen, 2021; Ghani, 2018; Heyer, 2022; Sausdal, 2021).…”