The historical street of Bada Danda in Puri city of India, known for the festive procession of Rath Yatra, upholds dynamic historical influences intact within. It has played a major role in transforming the growth and morphology of the pilgrim centre. Encompassing multiple traditional Pilgrim infrastructures, the street upholds historical and cultural significance within it. The study thus focuses on the establishment of significance and recognition of these built structures along the street, impacting the overall character of the city. The aim of the study is to define the cultural integrity of the traditional and historic pilgrim infrastructure along the Bada Danda Street. The architectural values of the structures are intervened with intangible variables, associated with the festivals and duties of main temple. The commercialization of the street and change in land use pattern has led to the loss of authenticity and integrity within these structures. Responsible management and promotion of the existing tangible and intangible heritage resources is required for the conservation of the historicity of the street.