This paper presents a study of household gambling consumption in Thailand in 2011. We investigate the nonlinear relationships between this behavior and household alcohol expenditure, household gambling expenditure, and demographic factors. We use Treenet to analyze datasets drawn from a socio-economic survey of 42,083 Thai households conducted in 2011. The results show that the five most significant variables in order of importance for predicting the likelihood of household gambling consumption are household income, household region, work status of the household head, religion of the household head, and age of the household head. In summary, the Treenet results suggest that the likelihood of gambling consumption was higher for households with an income of more than 25,000 Bahts per year, a location in the North, a Buddhist head of household, a head with active work status, a head between 35 and 55 years old, with household expenditure spent on alcohol consumed at home of more than 500 Bahts, with household expenditure spent on tobacco of more than 100 Bahts, and a head of household with less education.