The study used data from 3298 food crop growers in Pakistan.
Potential outcome treatment effects model was applied to evaluate the
impact of adaptations on household food security. A household Food
Security Index (FSI) was constructed applying Principle Component
Analysis (PCA). Adaptation strategies employed by the farmers in
response to climate change were categorised into four groups namely:
changes in sowing time (C1); input intensification (C2); water and soil
conservation (C3); and changes in varieties (C4). Out of 15 mutually
exclusive combinations constructed for evaluation, only 7 combinations
were considered for estimating the treatment effects models because of
limited number of observations in other cases. Results of only two of
the 7 are discussed in the paper, as the other 5 had very small number
of adapters and the impact measures shown either insignificant results
or had opposite signs. The first (C1234) combined all the four, while
the second (C234) combined the last three strategies. The results
suggest that the households which adapted to climate changes were
statistically significantly more food secure as compared to those who
did not adapt. The results further show that education of the male and
female heads, livestock ownership, the structure of house—both bricked
and having electricity facility, crops diversification, and non-farm
income are among the factors, which raise the food security of farm
households and their impacts are statistically significant. The
variables which are significantly negatively associated with the food
security levels include age of the head of household, food expenditure
management, households having less than 12.5 acres of land— defined as
marginal (cultivate 6.25 to
12.5 acres). Farmers of cotton-wheat, rice-wheat, and rain-fed cropping
systems are found to be more food secure as compared to the farmers
working in the mixed cropping systems where farm holdings are relatively
small and high use of tube-well water adding to salinity of soils. It is
crucial to invest in the development of agricultural technological
packages, addressing issues of climate change relevant to different
ecologies and farming systems; improve research-extension-farmer
linkages; enhance farmers‘ access to new technologies; improve rural
infrastructure; development of weather information system linking
meteorological department, extension and farmers; and establishment of
targeted food safety nets as well as farm subsidy programs for marginal
farm households.