Determining factors correlated with protective measures against COVID-19 is important to improve public health response. This study describes student opinions related to university COVID-19 preventive measures.
In fall 2020, 643 US university students completed an online survey on perception, awareness, and adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures. Outcomes included protocol effectiveness (self or others), protocol adherence (self or others), consequences of protocol violation, knowledge of violations, and level of concern for COVID-19. Multiple linear regression models determined correlates of outcome variables. Covariates included gender, race, residence, area of study, class, and knowledge of someone with a positive COVID-19 test.
Overall, students agreed with protective measures (equivalent to higher scores). In adjusted linear models, females (versus males) had significantly higher scores for protocol effectiveness (self) (p < 0.001), consequences of protocol violation (p = 0.005), and concern about COVID-19 (p < 0.001). Asian/Pacific Islander (versus white) had significantly higher scores for protocol effectiveness (self) (p < 0.001), consequences of protocol violation (p = 0.008), and concern about COVID-19 (p = 0.001). Graduate students (versus freshman) had higher scores for protocol effectiveness (self) (p < 0.001), protocol adherence (self) (p = 0.004) and concern about COVID-19 (p < 0.001). In contrast, participants who had a positive COVID-19 test had significantly lower scores for protocol effectiveness (self) (p = 0.02), protocol adherence (self) (p = 0.004), and consequences of protocol violation (p = 0.008).
Overall, females, Asian/Pacific Islanders, and graduate students were more likely to agree with or adhere to COVID-19 prevention guidelines but those who tested positive for COVID-19 were less likely to do so. These results may inform future prevention efforts.