Please cite this article in press as: De Juan-Vigaray, M. D., et al., The acculturation of international residential tourists and their shopping behaviours, Tourism Management 36 (2013), 115-118
AbstractThis study deals with an unexplored question regarding the role of the acculturation of international residential tourists (IRT), and provides companies in tourist destinations with keys to develop strategies aimed at this type of tourists. Results show that the acculturation of IRT follows a Pareto/Bradford distribution: few show high levels of acculturation and many show low levels. Finally, we find significant differences in shopping behaviour and socio-demographic variables.Keywords: Acculturation, residential tourism, shopping behaviour, measurement scale Please cite this article in press as: De Juan-Vigaray, M. D., et al., The acculturation of international residential tourists and their shopping behaviours, Tourism Management 36 (2013), [115][116][117][118] http://dx