This study aimed to examine the associations between socio-demographic factors, health complaints, health behaviours, high-risk behaviours and mental health difficulties in a representative sample of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old adolescents in Latvia. The study used data from the international Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study year 2017/2018 Latvian database. Statistical modelling was performed to explore the odds of mental health difficulties measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The sample consisted of 4412 students. Overall, 155 (8.0%) boys and 209 (10,3%) girls had an “abnormal” level of mental health difficulties. In a binomial logistic regression model, the gender and socioeconomic status-adjusted odds ratios of scoring “abnormal” on the SDQ were higher for adolescents with poor subjective health, low quality of life, inadequate body image, those having multiple health complaints, less than 7 hours of sleep on weekdays, low level of physical activity, smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes, drinking alcohol or having a problematic level of social media use. We conclude that female gender, low socioeconomic status, poor subjective health indicators, poor health behaviours and high-risk behaviours are significant factors associated with adolescent psychopathology and should be considered important targets for public health and preventive interventions.