Work as we know it has changed with the emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Prior to the advent of the 41R, skill gaps have been widening. Though the 4IR comes with bright projections, it also will predict the way things are done and the requisite skills to have. Clearly, not everyone will be up to date with the needed skills in the future work environment. Intricate underlying factors about the future of work have fuelled debates bothering on the issues of digitization on work and professions, artificial intelligence (AI), and the uncertainty of work and careers left after automation. The changing patterns of work and work arrangements, the gig economy, as well as fissured jobs (involving employment as outsourced services) are of great concern. Also rife are matters around work-skill misalignment expected in the 4IR as the presentation skills that employees have may not be relevant in the new world of work. Therefore, skill obsolescence and the need to reskill and/or upskill is expected.