Statistics play a key role in many areas of modern society including technology, social and behaviour studies, economics and the sciences. Statistics anxiety (SA) has a detrimental impact on academic experiences in university populations. Although, the mediator factors remain underexplored. We conducted the first systematic review and meta-analysis focused on SA in university students in the context of: statistical performance; individual differences in statistical learning; self-perceptions regarding statistics course and instructor; and sociodemographic factors. Searches were carried out in the databases: PsycINFO, PubMed, Scielo, and Web of Science, according to our pre-registration. Forty studies were selected for systematic review. Seventeen were included in a series of six meta-analyses concerning: academic achievement, attitudes, self-perception, procrastination, and gender. Findings reveal learning strategies, procrastination, self-efficacy and self-awareness as predictors of SA.However, the impact of sociodemographic data in these moderators is still uncharted. We concluded with a critical appreciation of the selected studies and presented future directions for research in SA.