Paradigms and techniques that have bloomed in the area of the pervasive computing are general and pertinent. Environments with loosely coupled computational hosts, running heterogeneous hardware and software, associating one another in a just-in-time manner are characteristic of pervasive computing. Pervasive computational environments, such as our future homes are a prominent example of this tendency. In this paper, we present a review of the state of the art of pervasive middleware platforms for enabling a smart home. There are numerous projects carried out by industry and academic research groups to examine embedded middleware platforms for smart homes. There are projects that consider problems ranging from software to hardware issues of smart home technology and associated issues of privacy, security, and social concerns. These projects emphasize numerous functional and non-functional requirements of a smart house. We discuss stimulating and valuable projects in the literature that addressed some of the concerns that are at the basis of the middleware platform proposal. We consider two aspects during the overview of the state of the art. First, we review a number of existing and recently funded research projects that focus on pervasive embedded middleware platforms. Second, we look at pervasive methodologies and technologies that are relevant to the middleware platform.