Calibrated gasometers may be used to measure product gases, but their best use appears to be to store product gases after metering and prior to sampling.S.4MPLIh-G PRODCCT GASES. Samples of product gases may be taken as stream samples or as portions of the entire gas. Spot samples taken in evacuated 250-cr. bulbs can be collected in the minimum time. Continuous samples are representative only if the rate of collection is a constant fraction of the ratil of production. Often the difference is not important. d n evacuated bottle fitted with a gage, drying tube, and needle valve niay be utilized to collect a dry sample, the rate of pressure rise giving an estimate of the rate of collcction.Stirred gasometers are useful for collection of good repreaeritative samples, especially if it is desired t o blend in the gas produced during stabilization of the liquid sample. The stirrer is carried near the top of the gasometer bell on a shaft passing through the top of the bell. Experience in preparing samples of mixed gases shoved that some form of agitation is needed if a representative sample is required in a reasonable time.
MI SCELLASEOUS FACTORSA few details contribute to smoother operation and greattLr production. h s far as posnihlc general scrvircc: should Iw provided at one point for all reactors in an area and piped t o the units. This applies to compressed gases, refrigerants, and p o w r and vent lines.Standardization of parts permits operators on shift t o make replacements as needed and do minor maintenance. Furthermore break-in time in changing from one unit to anothrr is greatly reduced.Like metals, particularly stainless steels, arc s u b j (~t t o sieziriy or galling when run in contact. This can be :ivoidod by using Ai.I.S.I. type 116 steel for onc of the parts and .i.I.S.I. type 301 or similar steel for the other.ibed have beeri in use for several years, and continued efforts have been made t o simplify equipment and operation's as far as possible, consistent with good results.XI1 the apparatus and proccdures d HIGH-molecular-w eight pols mers may be prepared in various w as s, such as hulL, solution, suspension, or eniulsion. The equipment depends bomew hat on the mode of preparation but is essentially a function of the phjsical properties of the monomers. Temperature control of pol? merization reactions is especiall: important inasniuc h as the alerage molecular weights, and therefore the phgsical properties. I arj considerablj with temperature. Because of the exothermic nature of the reaction, good heat transfer is required, which necessitates adequate agitation. The large number of \olatile mononiers existing in the gaseous state at the desired polymerization temperaturei indicate the need for specialized equipment. Sealed tubes, screw -cap pressure bottles, Coca Cola hottles. aiitoclaies, etc., require the use of \arious techniques for agitation and heating. i few types of apparatus used in low pressure (5 t o 10 atmospheres) and moderate pressure, up to about 30 atmospheres, are described in some de...