The mechanisms responsible for the increase in blood pressure response to high salt intake in salt-sensitive patients with essential hypertension are complex and only partially understood. A complex interaction between neuroendocrine factors and the kidney may underlie the propensity for such patients to retain salt and develop salt-dependent hypertension. The possible role of vasodilator and natriuretic agents, such as the prostaglandins, endothelium-derived relaxing factor, atrial natriuretic factor, and kinin-kallikrein system, requires further investigation. An association between salt sensitivity and a greater propensity to develop renal failure has been described in certain groups of hypertensive patients, such as blacks, the elderly, and those with diabetes mellitus. Salt-sensitive patients with essential hypertension manifest a deranged renal hemodynamic adaptation to a high dietary salt intake. During a low salt diet, salt-sensitive and salt-resistant patients have similar mean arterial pressure, glomerular filtra-D espite extensive research, controversy still exists regarding the role of dietary salt (NaCI) in hypertension.