. Sodium (Na ϩ ) ions are of primary importance for hydromineral and cardiovascular homeostasis, and the level of Na ϩ in the body fluid compartments [plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)] is precisely monitored in the hypothalamus. Glial cells seem to play a critical role in the mechanism of Na ϩ detection. However, the precise role of neurons in the detection of extracellular Na ϩ concentration ([Na ϩ ] out ) remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that neurons of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), a structure in close contact with the CSF, are specific Na ϩ sensors. Electrophysiological recordings were performed on dissociated rat MnPO neurons under isotonic [Na ϩ ] (100 mM NaCl) with local application of hypernatriuric (150, 180 mM NaCl) or hyponatriuric (50 mM NaCl) external solution. The hyper-and hyponatriuric conditions triggered an in-and an outward current, respectively. The reversal potential of the current matched the equilibrium potential of Na ϩ , indicating that a change in [Na ϩ ] out modified the influx of Na ϩ in the MnPO neurons. The conductance of the Na ϩ current was not affected by either the membrane potential or the [Na ϩ ] out . Moreover, the channel was highly selective for lithium over guanidinium. Together, these data identified the channel as a Na ϩ leak channel. A high correlation between the electrophysiological recordings and immunofluorescent labeling for the Na X channel in dissociated MnPO neurons strongly supports this channel as a candidate for the Na ϩ leak channel responsible for the Na ϩ -sensing ability of rat MnPO neurons. The absence of Na X labeling and of a specific current evoked by a change in [Na ϩ ] out in mouse MnPO neurons suggests species specificity in the hypothalamus structures participating in central Na ϩ detection.