Protein expression of major hepatobiliary drug transporters (NTCP, OATPs, OCT1, BSEP, BCRP, MATE1, MRPs, and P-gp) in cancerous (C, = 8) and adjacent noncancerous (NC, = 33) liver tissues obtained from patients with chronic hepatitis C with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCV-HCC) were quantified by LC-MS/MS proteomics. Herein, we compare our results with our previous data from noninfected, noncirrhotic (control, = 36) and HCV-cirrhotic ( = 30) livers. The amount of membrane protein yielded from NC and C HCV-HCC tissues decreased (31%, 67%) relative to control livers. In comparison with control livers, with the exception of NTCP, MRP2, and MATE1, transporter expression decreased in NC (38%-76%) and C (56%-96%) HCV-HCC tissues. In NC HCV-HCC tissues, NTCP expression increased (113%), MATE1 expression decreased (58%), and MRP2 expression was unchanged relative to control livers. In C HCV-HCC tissues, NTCP and MRP2 expression decreased (63%, 56%) and MATE1 expression was unchanged relative to control livers. Compared with HCV-cirrhotic livers, aside from NTCP, OCT1, BSEP, and MRP2, transporter expression decreased in NC (41%-71%) and C (54%-89%) HCV-HCC tissues. In NC HCV-HCC tissues, NTCP and MRP2 expression increased (362%, 142%), whereas OCT1 and BSEP expression was unchanged. In C HCV-HCC tissues, OCT1 and BSEP expression decreased (90%, 80%) relative to HCV-cirrhotic livers, whereas NTCP and MRP2 expression was unchanged. Expression of OATP2B1, BSEP, MRP2, and MRP3 decreased (56%-72%) in C HCV-HCC tissues in comparison with matched NC tissues ( = 8), but the expression of other transporters was unchanged. These data will be helpful in the future to predict transporter-mediated hepatocellular drug concentrations in patients with HCV-HCC.