<span lang="EN-US">In the context of decoding binary linear block codes by polar code decoding techniques, we propose in this paper a new optimization of the serial nature of decoding the polar codes equivalent to binary linear block codes. In addition to the special nodes proposed by the simplified successive-cancellation list technique, we propose a new special node allowing to estimate in parallel the bits of its sub-code. The simulation is done in an additive white gaussian noise channel (AWGN) channel for several linear block codes, namely boseβchaudhuriβhocquenghem codes (BCH) codes, quadratic-residue (QR) codes, and linear block codes recently designed in the literature. The performance of the proposed technique offers the same performance in terms of frame error rate (FER) as the ordered statistics decoding (OSD) algorithm, which achieves that of maximum likelihood decoder (MLD), but with high memory requirements and computational complexity.</span>