In order to cope with real-world problems more effectively, we tend to design a decision support system for tuberculosis bacterium class identification. In this paper, we are concerned to propose a fuzzy diagnosability approach, which takes value between {0, 1} and based on observability of events, we formalized the construction of diagnoses that are used to perform diagnosis. In particular, we present a framework of the fuzzy expert system; discuss the suitability of artificial intelligence as a novel soft paradigm and reviews work from the literature for the development of a medical diagnostic system. The newly proposed approach allows us to deal with problems of diagnosability for both crisp and fuzzy value of input data. Accuracy analysis of designed decision support system based on demographic data was done by comparing expert knowledge and system generated response. This basic emblematic approach using fuzzy inference system is presented that describes a technique to forecast the existence of bacterium and provides support platform to pulmonary researchers in identifying the ailment effectively.
KEYWORDSExpert system, fuzzy diagnosability, rulebased method, MATLAB, Tuberculosis (TB).