Classical soft photon and soft graviton theorems determine long wavelength electromagnetic and gravitational waveforms for a general classical scattering process in terms of the electric charges and asymptotic momenta of the ingoing and outgoing macroscopic objects. Performing Fourier transformation of the electromagnetic and gravitational waveforms in the frequency variable one finds electromagnetic and gravitational waveforms at late and early retarded time. Here extending the formalism developed in [1], we derive sub-subleading electromagnetic and gravitational waveforms which behave like u−2(ln u) at early and late retarded time u in four spacetime dimensions. We also have derived the sub-subleading soft photon theorem analyzing two loop amplitudes in scalar QED. Finally, we conjectured the structure of leading non-analytic contribution to (sub)n-leading classical soft photon and graviton theorems which behave like u−n(ln u)n−1 for early and late retarded time u.