Abstract. The latest measurements of the proton longitudinal spin structure function, g p 1 , in the deep inelastic (DIS) regime are presented. They improve the statistical accuracy of the existing data and extend the kinematic domain to a lower value of x and higher values of Q 2 . A global NLO QCD fit of all g 1 world data on the proton, deuteron and neutron has been achieved. The results give a quantification of the quark spin contribution to the nucleon spin, 0.26 < ΔΣ < 0.34 at 3 (GeV/c) 2 in MS scheme. The errors are dominated by the uncertainty on the shape of the functional forms assumed in the fit. A new verification of the fundamental Bjorken sum rule is obtained at a 9% level, using only COMPASS g 1 proton and deuteron measurements. Preliminary results of a reevaluation of the gluon polarization Δg/g are presented. The analysis is based on double spin asymmetry of high-p T hadron production cross-sections in the DIS regime. A positive value of Δg/g = 0.113 ± 0.038 ± 0.035 is obtained at leading order at x ∼ 0.1. In parallel, the double spin asymmetry in the photoproduction regime is also studied. Finally, preliminary results on quark fragmentation functions into pions extracted from a LO fit of pion multiplicities in semi-inclusive DIS are presented.