To achieve the desired product qualities for an operating process, the operational status must be monitored. Operating conditions are changed because of the variability in the quality of raw materials and equipment characteristics. The operating conditions are also changed to produce various product grades and to meet time-to-market demands. This makes the process data collected within a wide region to be distributed unevenly, so conventional multivariate statistical process control techniques that use a single global model are not suited to monitoring. Data is partitioned to construct each local model, but partitioning data without considering variable correlations can cause the information to be lost. This study uses a multilocal partial least-squares (ML-PLS) model to monitor a wide operation process. Without pre-selecting the data for each local model, ML-PLS automatically reinforces the data that pertains to each local model and weakens the data that does not pertain to other local models. The entire range of operation is clustered, and multiple PLS models are constructed using this clustered data. Statistical indices for quality-based process monitoring in the latent and observed variable spaces are derived using the learned ML-PLS models. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method are demonstrated using a numerical example and a practical application for a chemical process.