The work is devoted to the study of the problems of forming a full-fledged set of competencies of engineers, contributing to their professional implementation and ensuring the personnel sovereignty of domestic enterprises. The necessity of participation in the training of engineering personnel of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, especially the high-tech sector, is substantiated. The role of integration of technical universities and enterprises in the process of personnel training to ensure technological and personnel sovereignty of the Russian industry is shown. The personnel sovereignty of the Russian economy is impossible without attracting a sufficient number of highly qualified specialists who have received education in relevant, practice-oriented programs that include not only basic knowledge, skills and training skills, but also "soft" skills that allow you to choose and apply successful behavioral and communication strategies in various production situations. The main factors that need to be guided by when building an effective system for training engineers are identified. Underestimation of these factors, leading to the exclusion of disciplines such as business planning, resource management, and business communications from the educational programs of technical universities, reduces the effectiveness of training graduates who replenish the personnel corps of enterprises, therefore, special attention is paid in the article to the problem of forming a set of competencies of engineers that contribute to their professional implementation and, ultimately, ensuring human resources the sovereignty of the high-tech sector of the economy.