In this paper, we first define soft u-open sets and soft s-open as two new classes of soft sets on soft bitopological spaces. We show that the class of soft p-open sets lies strictly between these classes, and we give several sufficient conditions for the equivalence between soft p-open sets and each of the soft u-open sets and soft s-open sets, respectively. In addition to these, we introduce the soft u-ω-open, soft p-ω-open, and soft s-ω-open sets as three new classes of soft sets in soft bitopological spaces, which contain soft u-open sets, soft p-open sets, and soft s-open sets, respectively. Via soft u-open sets, we define two notions of Lindelöfeness in SBTSs. We discuss the relationship between these two notions, and we characterize them via other types of soft sets. We define several types of soft local countability in soft bitopological spaces. We discuss relationships between them, and via some of them, we give two results related to the discrete soft topological space. According to our new concepts, the study deals with the correspondence between soft bitopological spaces and their generated bitopological spaces.