First and foremost I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Jun Luo, for his great support, guidance, and encouragement over the years. It has been a great pleasure working with him. Special thanks to the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) members, Prof. Mo Li and Prof. Yuanjin Zheng, for their invaluable feedback and advices on my research. Many thanks to my co-authors, Prof. Sinno Jialin Pan, Dr. Jie Hao, Jiangtian, and Shuya for their suggestions and insightful discussions. My deepest gratitude goes to my family, especially my wife Xiaodan Liu, for their unconditional love and support. I owe to them every step of my progress in my life. I am greatly thankful for my friends and colleagues in CNCL and CeMNet, for the friendship and encouragement. I would always appreciate their lovely company during my Ph.D. study. Finally, I thank the technicians, Ms. Chua, Mr. Roy and Mr. Toh, in my lab for their kind help and patience. iii as a small-scale testbed with five LED luminaires spanning a length of 7.5 meters, and conduct extensive evaluations on the roaming support capability of RoCLight based on this testbed; all our experiments strongly demonstrate its promising performance.