The recent outbreak of Software Defined Radios (SDR), where traditionally hardware components are substituted by software, have revolutionized the way we understand and manage radiocommunications. The current state of technology allows low cost SDR receivers to tune emissions in a simple way with almost no experience and little effort. The great flexibility of this equipment allows a perfect adaptation of the practice part of the subject to the theory objectives and makes possible to learn outside the classroom, something unthinkable until now. To achieve this, the student only needs a low-cost SDR receiver, a computer and some free software. This paper presents a new teaching methodology for practicing radiocommunications subject using a workstation based on a SDR device that can receive, display and analyze radio transmissions. Subject learning outcomes and skills are acquired and strengthened through experimentation with this new kind of devices. This platform also represents a significant saving because avoids our university to buy expensive and closed "training kits".