Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ichd ieseA rbeit selbständig verfasst habe,d ass ichd ie verwen-detenQ uellenu nd Hilfsmittel vollständig angegeben habeu nd dass ichd ie Stellen der Arbeit-einschließlichT abellen,K arten undA bbildungen -, diea nderen Werken oder dem Internet im Wortlaut oder demS inn nach entnommens ind, aufj eden Fall unter Angabed er Quellea ls Entlehnung kenntlich gemacht habe.
Wien, 18. Mai 2021Oleksandr Shabelnyk v Disclaimer: The views expressedhereinare those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the viewso ft he CTBTOP reparatory Commission.Iw antt oe xpress my sincereg ratitude to all those among my friendsa nd familyw ho have supportedm et hroughout this breathtakingj ourney.U ndoubtedly,t he keys uccess factorh as been theo utstanding support of my highly skilled supervisors, Dr Christos Tsigkanos, Dr Pantelis A. Frangoudisa nd ProfS chahram Dustdar. Besides getting professionala nd alwaysf ast feedback, Ih ave been constantlys upplied with new ideas and guided according to thebest practicesi nt he scientific community.A ll together it createds of ar the best experience in composingas cientific work form e.Additionally,Iwant to commend my dearest colleagues Dr AledP rys Rowlands( Remote Sensing Officer,C TBTO) and Julius Kozma (Operations Officer,C TBTO).A ledh as been extensively supportingm eb yp rovidingh is expertisei nd ifferent fields,h elping with thee laborationo ft he evaluation scenario and manym ore,w hile Juliusc ontributed tremendously to the requirements collection. Additionally,Iwant to thank Irina Hofstetter for her extraordinary support in preparing the memorandum to receiveCTBTO's approval foru sing the Organization's affiliation, as well as publishing thet hesis.T hereupon,I want to express my appreciation to all those who approvedt he related memorandum: Dr LassinaZ erbo( ExecutiveS ecretary), Julian Tangaere (OSI Coordinator) and Vadim Smirnov( Directoro ft he OSI Division).