Aplinkos apsaugos inzinerija Environmental Protection Engineering
KOKYBEVIS UZTERSTy PAKELÉS DIRVOZEMiy VERTINIMASEglé Kiaunyté^, Mantas PranskeviciusV ilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas El. pastas: 'egle.ldaunyte@stud.vgtu.lt Santrauka. Dirvozemis, kaip ekosistema, aktyviai dalyvauja klimato formavimosi procesuose, todél svarbu vertinti tokius dirvozemio kokybés rodiklius kaip bendroji anglis ir COj emisija. Dirvozemio kvépavimas rodo anglies emisij^is dirvozemio i atmosfera Tai rodiklis, gerai iliustruojantis dirvozemio biologini aktyvum^. Aktyviausia CO2 emisija -iki 0,201 g COj m'^h"' esti popiecio valandomis. Dirvozemio organiniii medáiagn kiekis laikomas dirvozemio kokybés rodikliu, vienu svarbiausiii biosferos pastovumo ir stabilumo veiksniii. Atliekant tydm^ pastebéta ryâki bendrosios anglies kiekiii dominavimo pavirSiniame (0-10 cm) dirvozemio sluoksnyje tendencija.ReikSminiai zodziai: bendroji organiné anglis, dirvozemio tyrimai, sunkieji metalai, poveikis dirvozemiui, CO2 emisija.
AbstractSoil as an ecosystem is actively involved in the climate formation process. Therefore, it is important to assess soil quality indicators such as total carbon and CO2 emissions. Soil respiration shows carbon emission from soil into the atmosphere. This is a great indicator illustrating the biological activity of soil. The most effective COj emission can be noticed in the afternoon and may reach 0,201 g COj m'^h''. Soil organic matter is considered to be its indicator of quality, which is one of the most important components of biosphere consistency and stability. Following the conducted study, a significant trend towards the content of total carbon in the layer of the surface (0-10 cm) soil was observed.