Abstract. Drought is understood as both a lack of water (i.e., a
deficit compared to demand) and a temporal anomaly in one or more
components of the hydrological cycle. Most drought indices, however, only
consider the anomaly aspect, i.e., how unusual the condition is. In this
paper, we present two drought hazard indices that reflect both the deficit and
anomaly aspects. The soil moisture deficit anomaly index, SMDAI, is based on
the drought severity index, DSI (Cammalleri et al., 2016), but is computed in
a more straightforward way that does not require the definition of a mapping
function. We propose a new indicator of drought hazard for water supply from
rivers, the streamflow deficit anomaly index, QDAI, which takes into account
the surface water demand of humans and freshwater biota. Both indices are
computed and analyzed at the global scale, with a spatial resolution of
roughly 50 km, for the period 1981–2010, using monthly time series of
variables computed by the global water resources and the model
WaterGAP 2.2d. We found that the SMDAI and QDAI values are broadly similar to
values of purely anomaly-based indices. However, the deficit anomaly indices
provide more differentiated spatial and temporal patterns that help to
distinguish the degree and nature of the actual drought hazard to vegetation
health or the water supply. QDAI can be made relevant for stakeholders with
different perceptions about the importance of ecosystem protection, by
adapting the approach for computing the amount of water that is required to
remain in the river for the well-being of the river ecosystem. Both deficit
anomaly indices are well suited for inclusion in local or global drought risk