Ecological theory predicts that the amount of resources available in an ecosystem should affect its response and sensitivity to ecological disturbances like fire, herbivory, and soil disturbance. Plant stature and life form, biomass, rates of growth, and plant palatability are all influenced by habitat productivity, and these factors play key roles in determining disturbance frequencies and intensities (Pickett and White, 1985; Bond and van Wilgen, 1996; Grime, 2001; Table 12.1). Theory and empirical investigations find that site quality is often related to rates of competitive displacement, with relatively unproductive, less competitive environments less reliant on disturbance for diversity regulation (Huston, 1994; Grime, 2001). Because the most significant direct effect of disturbance on vegetation is to increase available space and light (Grace, 1999), the effects of disturbance on plant diversity should correlate positively with productivity, since more productive plant communities are more limited by above-ground competition (Tilman, 1982). Ecologically, a disturbance of a given intensity will cause more change in space and light availability in dense vegetation than in open habitats, where these resources are already more abundant. On evolutionary time scales, species are less likely to specialize on regenerating after disturbance in communities where space and light are less limiting (Grubb, 1977; Bond and van Wilgen, 1996). Given the great differences in productivity between serpentine and nonserpentine habitats, coupled with the heightened presence of endemics and species of Serpentine: The Evolution and Ecology of a Model System, edited by Susan Harrison and Nishanta Rajakaruna. Copyright by The Regents of the University of California. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. table 12.1 "Contextual" Features of Serpentine Soil and Vegetation That Influence the Relationship between Disturbance and Plant Diversity Feature Serpentine Effect Ecosystem structure Stunted vegetation; relatively sparse, heterogeneous plant cover; low stem density and woody plant cover; relatively low biomass; significant areas of exposed soil; low canopy height; greater development of understory vegetation. Resource base Infertile soils with high Mg; low Ca, N, P, and K; high heavy metals (Cr, Ni). Available water capacity (AWC) can be higher or lower than normal soils, but many authors refer to low soil moisture of serpentine soils. Species traits Relatively slow growth rates, compared to conspecifics or congeners on more fertile soils. Stress-tolerant life history strategies common. Many endemic plant species. Serpentine plants often exhibit xeromorphic traits traits such as small, thick, hairy, and/or evergreen foliage. In some regions (mostly humid, warm climates), some species hyperaccumulate heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Co), which may act as an herbivore defense. In California, some evidence of higher palatability of serpentine versus nonserpentine grasses. Root systems often deeper and better-developed than in more f...