IntercroppingA gronomy J our n al • Volu me 10 0 , I s sue 4 • 2 0 0 8 ABSTRACT Increased crop production (overyielding) oft en observed in intercrops compared to sole crops has been attributed to enhanced resource use. Th e objective of this study was to investigate intercropping complementarity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), canola (Brassica napus L.), and fi eld pea (Pisum arvense L.) for light and water use. Sole crop and intercrop combinations were evaluated for eff ects on land equivalent ratios (LERs), canopy light interception, soil moisture, water use (WU), and water use effi ciency (WUE), with or without in-crop herbicides at two fi eld sites in Manitoba, Canada. Th e mean LER was 1.1, but LERs varied greatly between site-years and herbicide treatments, and were signifi cantly greater than one in 22% of the site-year-treatment combinations. Th e wheat-canola-pea and canola-pea intercrops showed the greatest frequency of overyielding for dry matter (50%) and grain yield (38%), respectively. Peak light interception tended to occur earlier with canola than with fi eld pea, thus increasing the potential for light use complementarity between these crops. Th ere was a positive correlation between LER and light interception in half of the site-years with applied herbicides and a negative correlation between LER and weed biomass at most site-years without herbicides. Although crop treatments used water diff erently within the soil profi le, there were no diff erences in WU, but some diff erences in WUE, between crop treatments; however, WUE generally was not greater in intercrops compared to sole crops. In this study, overyielding in intercrops was inconsistent, and seemed to be related more to light interception than to water utilization.