This paper addresses a methodology to optimize PV panel cleaning schedule. PV system yield is impacted due to soiling on panel surface. This soiling changes during the system operation as a consequence of environmental conditions. In order to reduce the impact of soiling accumulation, the panel surface must be cleaned. However, cost and frequency of cleaning can affect plant revenue. Therefore, to enhance financial performance, an optimal cleaning strategy must be selected. This strategy depends mostly on energy cost, soiling rate, cleaning costs, and system efficiency. Hence, the model proposed in this work takes into account these variables in order to support the decisions during the assessment of PV yield. The methodology was evaluated through two irradiation profiles with different associated costs. As a result, the methodology made it possible to estimate a cleaning strategy optimizing the incomes under different scenarios. INDEX TERMS Cleaning schedule optimization, fourier series, solar energy yield, soling ratio. I. INTRODUCTION Photovoltaic (PV) generation is considered as a solution to face the issues related to climate change. The use of PV is expected to reduce the emissions produced by electricity generation. Traditional power generation using coal, gas, water, among others, as primary sources is considered as mature and optimized technology. However, the integration of new renewable generation including PV posses challenges during their planning, operation, and maintenance [1]. Accurate estimation of return on investment is a concern of the current planning of PV projects to minimize financial risk. The assessment of return on investment depends on the prediction of power delivery which is influenced by the performance of PV-system. In [2], the factors that influence the system performance are classified by environment, PV system, installation, cost, and miscellaneous. The environmental factors include the solar irradiance, temperature, shades, dust and soiling. As for PV-system factors the I-V characteristics, inverter efficiency, battery efficiency, PV technology, The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dwarkadas Pralhaddas Kothari.