This Personal Account summarizes the recent developments in the development of self-assembled supramolecular channels and their dimensional extension towards up-scaled self-organized materials. This Personal Account begins with a short, non-exhaustive description of artificial supramolecular channel systems that are involved in water-, proton-, and ion-transport processes through bilayer membranes. Then, these "all-made" artificial systems will be described as a source of inspiration, by presenting several breakthroughs over the last few years in the field of biomimetic supramolecular channel systems. Their inclusion in artificial polymeric/hybrid matrixes, which results in the formation of biomimetic artificial materials for directional translocation through channeling pathways, will be described in the last part of the Personal Account, with an emphasis on all of the efforts that are necessary to maintain their channel-transporting function within bilayer membranes under up-scaled operating conditions.