Total chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) from Solanum incanum, a wild relative of eggplant, was used to probe total DNA of Solanum melongena (eggplant) . The DNA fragments detected were the same. a s observed using purified chloroplast DNA . Chloroplast DNAs were also analysed for nine species of Solanum that are cross-compatible with eggplant : S . aethiopicum, S. anguivi, S. gilo, S. incanum, S . indicum, S . integrifolium, S. macrocarpon, S . olivare and S . panduriforme .Restriction fragments generated by eight enzymes were recorded as present or absent, and a matrix for all fragment positions, species and enzymes was used for cluster analysis . In the resulting dendrogram, the species tested formed three distinct groups : (1) S . aethiopicum, S . anguivi, S . gilo, S . indicum, S. integrifolium and S . olivare, (2) S. incanum, S . melongena and S . panduriforme, (3) S. macrocarpon . Six species of the first group belonging to section Oliganthes appears more closely related to the second group members belonging to section Melongena than does S . macrocarpon, which also belongs to section Melongena . Within the second group, S. panduriforme is slightly more like eggplant than is S . incanum .