SummaryThe overall mission of the Institute of Energy Conversion is the development of thin film photovoltaic cells, modules, and related manufacturing technology and the education of students and professionals in photovoltaic technology. The objectives of this four-year NREL subcontract are to advance the state of the art and the acceptance of thin film PV modules in the areas of improved technology for thin film deposition, device fabrication, and material and device characterization and modeling, relating to solar cells based on CuInSe 2 and its alloys, on a-Si and its alloys, and on CdTe.
CuInSe 2 -based Solar Cells
High Bandgap CuInSe 2 AlloysCuInSe 2 has a bandgap of 1.0 eV and most Cu(InGa)Se 2 -based devices have absorber layers with Ga/(In+Ga) ≈ 0.25 which gives a bandgap of 1.15 eV and results in devices with open circuit voltages < 0.65V. Higher Ga concentrations to increase the Cu(InGa)Se 2 bandgap result in a trade-off of higher open circuit voltage and lower short circuit current which may allow increased cell efficiency. Further, module performance should be improved due to lower resistive losses, thinner ZnO with less optical loss and/or greater interconnect spacing with reduced associated arearelated losses.We have previously demonstrated Cu(InGa)Se 2 solar cells with 15% efficiency for Ga/(In+Ga) ≤ 0.5 or bandgap (Eg) ≤ 1.3 eV [101,102]. With higher bandgap a decrease in cell efficiency was shown to be caused by poor collection of light generated minority carriers in the Cu(InGa)Se 2 absorber layers and in this report, we have expanded the characterization of Cu(InGa)Se 2 devices with increasing Ga content and bandgap. Further, we have begun to investigate other CuInSe 2 -based alloy materials, CuInS 2 and Cu(InAl)Se 2 , which may provide alternative means to achieve improved device performance with Eg > 1.3 eV.
Reduced Cu(InGa)Se 2 Deposition Temperature and ThicknessThere are many technical issues which need to be addressed to effectively enable the transfer of Cu(InGa)Se 2 deposition and device fabrication technology from the laboratory to manufacturing scale. In general, these issues provide a means to reduce thin film semiconductor process costs. Shorter deposition time can be achieved with reduced film thickness and increased deposition rate. Thinner absorber films reduce the total amount of material used and allow faster process throughput. The minimum thickness of the Cu(InGa)Se 2 absorber layer may be determined by the nucleation of the film to form a continuous layer or by the film morphology. From a device perspective, the minimum thickness may be determined by the minority carrier diffusion length and optical absorption coefficient of the Cu(InGa)Se 2 or the ability to incorporate optical confinement.Lower substrate temperature (T ss ) can lower processing costs by reducing thermally induced stress on the substrate, allowing faster heat-up and cool-down, and decreasing the heat load and stress on the entire deposition system. In addition, with lower substrate temperature, stress on ...