Daily variations of the E-Wand N-S components of ionospheric drifts, measured using closely spaced receiver method over Tiruchirapalli near magnetic equator, are described for the periods 1973-75 for E region and 1974-75 for F region. N-S component is not observed except for a few occasions during summer months for the E region. E-W component is generally eastward during night hours and westward during day hours. There is a large day-today variability in the magnitude as well as in the evening reversal time. Daily variations primarily consist of the diurnal component with averageamplitude of about 90 m/secfor F region and of about 80 m/sec for E region. The drift speeds are found to decrease with magnetic activity. It is concluded that the abnormal electrojet region extends upto north of Tiruchirapalli in the Indian zone and drifts here can be used as a monitor of electric field.