We present a multiwavelength study of the large-scale coronal disturbances associated with the CME -flare event recorded on 24 December 1996. The kinematics of the shock wave signature, the type II radio burst, is analyzed and compared with the flare evolution and the CME kinematics. We employ radio dynamic spectra, position of the Nançay Radioheliograph sources, and LASCO-C1 observations, providing detailed study of this limb event. The obtained velocity of the shock wave is significantly higher than the contemporaneous CME velocity (1000 and 235 km s −1 , respectively). Moreover, since the main acceleration phase of the CME took place 10 -20 min after the shock wave was launched, we Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship Guest Editors: Karl-Ludwig Klein and Silja Pohjolainen J. Magdalenić is now also at SIDC, Royal Observatory