A high efficiency, low-complexity, low-cost rectifier for low-power density and low-power input is analyzed, fabricated and measured. The design consists of a double diode rectifier with operation in the two frequency bands of 900 MHz ISM and FM, simultaneously. Although the design uses a lowcost, lossy FR-4 substrate and a low-complexity rectifier circuit, the RF-to-DC rectification efficiency achieves 14.49% and 27.44% at 868 MHz and 97.5 MHz, respectively, for input power of −20 dBm. Measurement results agree with simulations. The rectifier was connected to a commercial boost converter in order to manage and improve the output power of the rectifier. The endto-end efficiency of the system was calculated to 21% for input power of −15 dBm and frequency of 97.5 MHz, despite the use of a low-cost, lossy substrate.