The first part of this paper presents the review on most authoritative studies in the field of sustainable development and green logistics, as well as a new approach to achieve the goals of sustainable development in the operation of logistics and transport systems. The second part reflects the results of systematisation of methods and instruments of green logistics, used to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The application of the presented approach to achieving the goals of sustainable development could form the balanced programs to raise environmental performance and effectiveness of supply chains' operation, and systemic implementation of methods and instruments of green logistics will provide achieving the goals of sustainable development.
Prvi dio ovoga članka predstavlja pregled najautoritativnijih studija u području održivoga razvoja i zelene logistike, kao i novi pristup postizanja ciljeva održivoga razvoja u djelovanju logistike i sustavu transporta. Drugi dio odražava rezultate sistematizacije metoda i instrumenata zelene logistike koji se koriste da se postignu ciljevi održivoga razvoja. Primjena predočenoga pristupa postizanja ciljeva održivoga razvoja može oblikovati izbalansirane programe da bi se podigla ekološka izvedba i djelotvornost opskrbnih lanacâ, a sstavna implementacija metoda i instrumenata zelene logistike osigurat će ciljeve održivoga razvoja.
KEY WORDS sustainable development green logistic methods instruments
KLJUČNE RIJEČI održivi razvoj zelena logistika metode instrumenti