Practicing psycbologists and otber bealtb professionals are facing a growing patient population of United States military service members witb significant psycbological and behavioral bealtb concems retuming from war zones in Afgbanistan and Iraq. Some of these issues are new and unfamiliar to many bealtb providers. Furtbermore, because of a military culture of self-reliance, strengtb, and tbe perceived stigma of seeking mental bealtb services, a second and substantial population of service members-in-need is cboosing not to consult bealtb professionals at all. Tbe Intemet and otber networked multimedia tecbnologies now offer a deb expert resource for providers, and an anonymous, less stigmatizing venue for self-management for service members and tbeir families. Over tbe last 2 years tbe U.S. Defense Department's National Center for Telebealtb & Tecbnology bas developed, a Web-based set of resources, tools, and aids for service members, veterans, and tbeir families, provides education and skills-development exercises aimed at overcoming cballenges to tbe adjustment process after a deployment. Tbe Website also provides bealtb professionals witb a comprebensive resource to serve as an adjunct to face to face treatment of individuals in tbe military community.