The World Wide Web commonly known as Web as evolve and nowadays passes through a transition to a third generation, Web 3.0. In parallel, different areas of application as also evolve. One of them was eLearning, with the development of several systems and tools. However, despite many years of research and the appearance of the concept of Semantic Web for quite a time, the Web and consequently eLearning systems and mainly the user's still seem not to be prepared for this transition. There are different reasons for this situation. First, the application of concept requires specialized technical knowledge of the users to design the systems and resources accordingly to the educational standards and semantic technologies. Consequently, their dissemination outside experimental contexts is limited. Moreover, since they lack application in eLearning systems of Semantic Web, and lack some basic knowledge regarding standardization of learning design, resources and also reusability and the stability of these concepts before go a step forward to semantic web. Thus, lacks for application systems that make the transition easier for the users.In order to solve these problems, this thesis proposes the development of a web-based information system -AHKME (Adaptive Hypermedia Knowledge Management Elearning System) -that combines concepts of Web 2.0 and 3.0, regarding advanced collaboration, social networks, interoperability, standardization and adaptation, in a concept that we prefer to call Web/eLearning 2.5. The objective of this system is to prepare the users for the new paradigm and the application of concepts regarding reusability, giving flexibility to the users by offering tools to facilitate the learning design and even the creation of their own personalized schemas/structure for instructional design. AHKME is based on schemas of standards and specifications (e.g. IMS) for standardization of resources, data mining and workflow for adaptation, and user's interactivity with learning resources and collaboration through social networks and players.Morevoer, an evaluation of this proposal was performed through laboratory tests to evaluate the results and behaviour of AHKME, simulating a real learning situation.The main goal of this study is to open the way for new researchs and systems for preparing the users for this new generation of Web, and by this mean introduce the semantic technologies, cross-platforms systems and "intelligent web".