Investigation of olivine-hosted melt inclusions provides information about the abundance of volatile elements that are often lost during subaerial eruptions of lavas. We have measured the abundances of H 2 O, CO 2 , F, Cl, and S as well as Pb isotopes in 29 melt inclusions in the scoria of the 1686 eruption of the Iwate volcano, a frontal-arc volcano in the northeast Japan arc. Pb Isotope compositions identify that Iwate magma is derived from a mixture of depleted mantle, subducted basalt, and sediment. Systematics of F in comparison to MORB and other arc magma indicates that (1) the slab surface temperature must be among the lowest on Earth and (2) hydrous minerals, such as amphibole, humites, and/or mica, must be present as residual phases during the dehydration of the slab.