Electroanalytical sensors for point-of-care biomedical
or point-of-use
environmental sample analysis are gaining popularity due to low limits
of detection, ease of miniaturization, convenience, and ability to
work with small sample volumes. Since pH must be tightly controlled
for optimum electrochemical performance, adjustment of pH in these
samples is often a necessity. Yet manual titration is time-consuming
and can be especially challenging for small volumes. End point determination
can also be difficult. Current commercial automatic pH titrators are
generally designed for large volume (>1 mL) batch titrations, while
the existing microvolume titrators are semiautomatic at best, still
relying on multiple manual steps. To address the gap, we developed
an automatic microtitration system suitable for small volume samples.
The system was validated using digested whole blood microsamples,
successfully demonstrating accurate and rapid pH adjustment for samples
as small as 100 μL. The simple modular construction of the system
makes it compatible with acid washing for trace metal detection and
other cleaning or sample preparation steps. The electrochemical detection
of manganese heavy metal in blood at the parts per billion level showed
no detectable contamination induced by the system. Ultimately, our
simple, accurate, user-friendly automatic microtitration system can
be used in the pH adjustment of microvolume samples and can potentially
be extended to other pH end point analysis.