Over the last decade several m e a s r u m " an the K-L vacancy transfer in manyelectron heavy ion-solid target collision systems were performed, although a theoretical ub initio understanding of these collisions has still not been achieved. In this letter we present the first calculations b s e d on the solutioa of the time-dependent relativistic DiraoFockSlater equation to both evaluate the mean excitation and ionization of the projectile Mand L-shell, 2nd to calculate the later transfer of these L vxancies to the K-shell. We found that all L-shell vacancies contribute to K-shell vacancy production. Comparision with experimental measurements &ed out by Schuch et a1 for 10 MeV Si3+ on AI shows that these so-called solid tuget effects on impact-p~eter-dependent charge transfer probabilities can be explained within the framework of our ab initio method.