An analytical solution and method of calculation is presented for a cascade of N perfectly mixed batch extractors operating counter-currently, for spherical solid particles, with parameters which may vary for each extractor.The results for the case of constant and equal parameters along the complete cascade are presented in dimensionless plots; N varies from 1 through 10.The practical interest of these diagrams lies in their use in design and/or in foreseeing the behavior of a cascade when its parameters undergo variations.A sample calculation is included.ounter-current solid-liquid extraction in a cascade C of batch extractors, perfectly mixed and with finite volume, is widely used because of its mechanical simplicity, good efficiency and flexibility. However, a rigorous analytical treatment of this arrangement is not to be found in the literature. Thorough bibliographical reviews of solid-liquid extraction and current design methods appear elsewhere".*'. This industrial set-up is used in the extraction of oils from oilbearing seeds, of sugar from beets, of tannin quebracho, of different soluble substances from fish, etc.In this work an analytical treatment and a method of calculation is presented which takes into consideration parameters which vary in a discrete way for each extractor. This might be important in systems which show shrinking or swelling of the solid or variations of diffusivity, the constant of the adsorption isotherm, apparent density of the solution, etc. and when a certain average for each extractor. can be assumed.It is well known that the products of biological origin present variable diffusivities and therefore constitute non-linear problems, the solution of which is often numerical and highly specific. If an adequate value of the diffusivity is taken for each extractor it is possible to obtain which agree fairly well with experimental determinations. This must be considered as a first approximation to the solution of the problem. In this present work the following assumptions are made for extractor i: 1. The diffusivity is constant. 2. The adsorption isotherm is linear. 3. The resistance to mass transfer in the film is 4. The apparent density of the solvent PI,, remains 5. The dimensions of the so'lid are constant. 6. The mixing is perfect. 7. The solid has a given size and geometry. The assumptions 2 and 3 have been ascertained negligible. constant. On prksente une solution analytigue et une methode de calcul dans le cas d'une cascade de n extracteurs pour particules solides et sphkriques parfaitement mklangh, lesqueh fouctionnent B contre-courant; les param&res peuvent varier pour chaque extracteur. (31 prksente, sous forme de diagrammes sans dimensions, les rksultats dans le cas de paramares constants et &gaux sur la cascade entiere; la valeur de n varie de 1 h 10. L'intkret pratique des dits diagrammes se trouve dans leur emploi pour un projet de conception ou pour la prkliction du comportement d'une cascade, lorsque ses paramktres subissent des variations. On prksente un calcul comme...