either by vapor deposition [ 5,8,10,11 ] or by drop-casting of a CdCl 2 /methanol solution (also used for CdTe nanoparticle solar cells), [ 7,[12][13][14] followed by an air-anneal at temperatures of ≈370-450 °C. While CdTe (as well as CdS) is a highly stable compound and is insoluble in water, the use of water-soluble CdCl 2 in the industrial production of CdTe modules may pose an environmental risk. Recently however, a breakthrough study demonstrated the direct replacement of the toxic (and costly) CdCl 2 with the nontoxic and cheap alternative, MgCl 2 , with no detriment to device performance. [ 15 ] Subsequently, both ZnCl 2[ 16 ] and NH 4 Cl [ 17 ] have also been shown to be potentially suitable alternatives. Interestingly, the use of other salts including NaCl, MnCl 2 , KCl, and HCl was signifi cantly less successful in terms of producing high effi ciencies. [ 15 ] Importantly, these recent studies have reopened a critical parameter space within the fabrication process. In order to accelerate process development, fundamental material studies are now required to investigate the relative effectiveness of different chloride compounds in inducing the desired materials changes in a CdTe thin-fi lm device stack. Moreover, by correlating such studies with the respective device performances, further improvements are anticipated. Reports of desirable materials changes associated with CdCl 2 activation include: Recrystallization and grain growth of CdTe [18][19][20] and CdS [ 5,21 ] fi lms (for minimization of stress and to reduce the density of deleterious defects), p-type doping of CdTe, [ 2,6,8,15 ] S/Te interdiffusion, [ 22,23 ] and grain boundary passivation. [ 5,24 ] However, such reports are often contradictory in terms of identifying which of these is most beneficial in improving effi ciency. [ 25 ] In this work, CdTe solar cell stacks (i.e., CdTe/CdS/ZnO/ SnO 2 /glass) treated with CdCl 2 , MgCl 2 , NaCl, and NH 4 Cl were subjected to extensive X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) studies, with the critical aim being to distinguish the reasons as to why CdCl 2 and MgCl 2 treatments can yield higher effi ciencies than NH 4 Cl and, in particular, NaCl. The device performances, reported elsewhere, [ 15,17 ] for each of these Cl treatments, as well as those following MnCl 2 -and KCl treatments, This work presents the fi rst systematic comparison of the effects of a range of chlorides (CdCl 2 , MgCl 2 , NaCl, and NH 4 Cl) on the microstructure and chemical composition of CdTe/CdS/ZnO/SnO 2 solar cells, providing valuable insight to the ubiquitous Cl-activation process. Using X-ray diffraction, it is shown that CdCl 2 induces the greatest extent of recrystallization (standard deviation of texture coeffi cients, σ , reduces from 0.93 for as-grown CdTe to 0.43) and minimizing stress (from 178 MPa for as-grown material to zero). MgCl 2 treatment also yields signifi cant randomization of the CdTe texture ( σ = 0.55) but NaCl treatment does not ( σ = 1....