To prepare for the exploitation of deep-buried polyhalite resources, the phase equilibria of the ternary system K + //Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O, Mg 2+ //Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O and the quaternary system K + , Mg 2+ //Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O at 363.2 K were investigated by using the isothermal dissolution method. The solubility and density of the systems were measured experimentally, and the related phase diagrams and density vs composition diagrams were plotted. The ternary systems K + //Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O and Mg 2+ // Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O are simple systems at 363.2 K. Both systems have one invariant point corresponding to the solid phases sylvite (KCl) + arcanite (K 2 SO 4 ) and bischofite (MgCl 2 •6H 2 O) + kieserite (MgSO 4 •H 2 O), respectively. The quaternary system K + , Mg 2+ // Cl − , SO 4 2− -H 2 O generates four double salts corresponding to carnallite (KCl•MgCl 2 •6H 2 O), kainite (KMg(SO 4 )Cl•3H 2 O), langbeinite (K 2 SO 4 •2MgSO 4 ), and leonite (K 2 SO 4 •MgSO 4 •4H 2 O), and the phase diagram consists of 7 quaternary invariant points, 14 isothermal dissolution curves, and 8 crystallization regions at 363.2 K. By comparing the phase diagram of the quaternary system at 348.2, 363.2, and 373.2 K, it can be seen that the crystallization region of K 2 SO 4 •MgSO 4 grow significantly with the increase of temperature, whereas the crystallization regions of MgSO 4 •H 2 O, KCl, and K 2 SO 4 shrink and the crystallization region of K 2 SO 4 •MgSO 4 •4H 2 O is on the verge of disappearing at 363.2 K. Based on the Pitzer−Simonson−Clegg (PSC) model, the solubility data of the ternary subsystems and the quaternary system were calculated. The results showed that the calculated values were close to the experimental values.