The heat of form ation of calcium a lumin ate monos ulfate, 3CaO·AI20 3·CaSO.·12H20, at 25 ac, and of less completely hydrated samples of the same compound, was determined by the heat-of-solution m ethod, with 2N HCI as the sol ve nt, and 3CaO·Alz03·6H20 (c) a nd CaSO.·2H20(c), as the reactants. The r es ults were as fo llows: 3CaO·AJ,03·CaSO.·12H20 ( The heat of the r eaction (6 1£) 3CaO·AI20 3·CaSO,.l2H20 (c) + 2(CaSO,· 2H20 ) (c) + 15H20(l)-> 3CaO·A120 3·3CaSO,,·3 UI20 (c) is -134.4 kj / mole or -32.1 kcal/ mole. Th e heat of t he reaction (6H) 3CaO·A!20 3· CaSO.·12I-I20 (c) + 2(CaSO.· 2H20 ) (c) + 16H20 (1)-> 3CaO.AI20 3·3 CaSO,·32I-I20 (c) is -144. 9 kj / mol e 01' -34.6 kcal/ mole.Va lues r eported earli er for the h eat of formation of calcium alum inate t ri sulfate a nd of calciu m a lumin ate monocarbonate s hould be rev ised by adding -0.9 kca l/ mole to each reported DoH valu e, \I ith t he following res ulti ng values:
MI;kcal/mole -4123 - 4194 -1957 Co ndi tions for the formation of t he monosulfate from solutioll, an d i ts propert ies on ex posu re to moist.ure, arc dis cussed.