We investigated the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in subjects living in the community of Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and assisted Key words: hepatitis A virus -hepatitis E virus -seroprevalence -epidemiology -Rio de Janeiro -Brazil Viral hepatitis is a public health problem worldwide. Two of the agents that cause viral hepatitis are enterically transmitted: hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV).In the last years, improvements in environmental sanitation and hygienic conditions, such as piped water and sewage system, have been responsible for a decrease in the endemicity level of hepatitis A in several developing countries. In Brazil, although hepatitis A is considered an endemic disease (Pannuti et al. 1985, Abuzwaida et al. 1987, Bensabath et al. 1987, Queiroz et al. 1995, data published in recent investigations carried out in the State of Rio de Janeiro revealed a shift in the hepatitis A epidemiological pattern. Improvements in life standards of some urban populations are responsible for a decrease in antibody prevalence among children and adolescents (Vitral et al. 1998a,b).HEV infection is quite common in some geographic areas like India, Africa and Southeast Asia, where it can represent the main cause of acute hepatitis (Arankalle et al. 1995 reported in these areas (Shakhgildyan et al. 1986, CDC 1987, Belyakov et al. 1990, Zuang 1992. On the other hand, epidemiological investigations in non-endemic areas show a low, but constant presence of anti-HEV antibodies (about 1.2%) in normal human populations (Balayan et al. 1996, Psichogiou et al. 1996, Irshad 1999.In 1986, the occurrence of outbreaks of HEV infection in the Americas was recognized in Mexico (Velazquez et al. 1990). More recently, two acute cases of hepatitis E were described in Argentina (Schlauder et al. 2000). In Brazil, outbreaks of hepatitis E have never been reported, although some authors found antibodies in some population groups (Focaccia et al. 1995, Parana et al. 1997, Souto & Fontes 1998, Trinta et al. 2001.Nowadays, hepatitis A can be prevented by active immunoprophylaxis and, for a better control of infection, it is necessary to investigate its current prevalence in different areas. On the other hand, further data are needed in order to evaluate the importance of HEV infection in our country. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of HAV and HEV infections in an area where sanitary conditions were improved over the last few years.
MATERIALS AND METHODSCalculation of sample size -The minimum sample size was estimated using the formula: n = Z² P Q / d², considering as n = estimated sample size; Z = reduced variable, which value is 1,96 when alpha = 0,05; P (estimated prevalence) = probability to achieve the studied phenomenon; Q (1-P) = complement of the estimated prevalence; d (desired precision) = margin of error.