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AbstractIn the second part of this two-part series on the development of a versatile reference instrument at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), we have extended the characterization of t he NRC Reference Goniospectrofluorimeter to high-accuracy fluorescence measurements in a sphere geometry (8:d) that is specified in standard test methods for many practical applications in colorimetry. This builds upon the work reported in part-one of this series which described in detail the design, characterization and validation of this new instrument for realizing a total spectral radiance factor scale in a bidirectional (45a:0) geometry. To extend the measurement capabilities to a sphere geometry, it was configured with a large diameter integrating sphere accessory.Preliminary results using a substitution-mode operating procedure showed large sphere errors that were characterized and corrected for. To improve this traceability, the sphere was modified to operate in comparison-mode and this effectively eliminated many of the sphere-related errors t hat typically limit the accuracy of sphere-based fluorescence 2 measurements. The performance of the instrument configured for a sphere geometry